Increase your profits by 36% in one simple step
This article was first published on the 17th June, 2018 for Football Advisor Portfolio members.
Everything you need to know about ‘Advised Odds' and achieving the ‘Best Odds'
…And Increase your profits by 36% in one simple step
Our popular FA Racing service has been on stellar form over the last few months with 78.4 units banked. June has actually pushed us into new heights with 28.8 units returned so far to a 43% ROI and a 19.2% ROC.
In light of these really positive returns, we felt it was a good opportunity to talk about ‘Advised Odds' and how to ensure you are getting the best odds and even beating out offical returns.
What you need to know about ‘Advised Odds'
We take our odds recommendations seriously. Why do we do this? Because we believe that any tipster worth their salts needs to ensure that the odds they advise to members are realistic and more importantly, achievable by all members.
Pricewise is obviously the most common example. It's all good and well tipping up Horse X at 28/1 but if the price crashes right after and most punters can only get half those odds (or worse) then it is not sustainable in the long term for the majority of punters. That takes nothing away from the skill and accuracy in predicting a winning horse, but whether it is useful to you or I from a betting perspective is another matter entirely.
If tipster A is putting his bets on in the evening at backing Horse A at 10/1, he then sends them out to members at 8am the next day and quotes the 10/1 price, but across the board it is now 8/1, that is already a huge margin you have given up. Or let's say Betfred has Horse B at 6/1 but everyone else has it at 5/1. Firstly, the Betfred price is likely to correct very quickly and also they'll probably only let us have 10p on it.
So any odds advised on a selection need to be widely available, accessible and hold up long enough for members to get on. A bonus tick is our selections then remain profitable to Betfair SP as well.
How do we manage our ‘Advised Odds' at Football Advisor
Keeping with the racing theme today, we advise the price at Bet365 only, for our FA Racing service, a few minutes before sending out our selections. We do this as its generally a fair mid-point bookmaker and the reality is you should be able to match (or beat that price) on the majority of occasions by checking with other bookmakers and exchanges. We also record all of our results at Betfair SP as well, for those with more bookmaker restrictions. Again, we are profitable to BSP, which we feel is a big tick for most punters.
In addition to this, we regularly run 3 month, or longer trials on all of our services where one of the team here will monitor the odds movements at various points of the day. The time points we look at are:
- Advised Odds (07:30GMT when we issue our recommendations)
- +15 minutes
- 08:30 GMT
- 10:30 GMT
- 10:30 GMT (@Bet365)
- SP
We've been doing this for FA Racing now for an extended period and we have just reach six months in total.
What did we learn?
As you'll see from the below tables; Not only did our odds stand up for a decent amount of time after sharing our recommendations, it was actually possible to beat our results by 36%+ or to put that another way, if you had backed with the best available odds within 15 minutes of issue you would have made an extra 21.5 units profit.
Let's take a closer look:
— Advised Odds
A decent return of 58.41 units over since January 17 at advised odds.
— +15 Minutes
A very significant, extra 21.5 points can be made by shopping around in the first 15 minutes after issuing the recommendations.
— 08:30
At 08:30 it is still possible to beat our advised odds by 15% an hour after we had advised them.
— 10:30
By 10:30 the market has moved and although you can still achieve a profit, the value has nearly halved.
— 10:30 @ Bet355
While solely placing the bets at Bet365, but waiting to 10:30 wipes out a large part of the profit. Which really shows the need to use more than one bookmaker and shop around for the best odds.
— Betfair SP
While at Betfair SP, you can place your bets early and sit back for the rest of the day, confident in the knowledge that over time you'll still achieve similar results as backing our recommendations an hour after issue.
In Summary
- Prices on our recommendations hold up for at least an hour after issue
- You can significantly improve your returns by shopping around in the first 15-30 miniutes after issue
- Prices are accessible to all AND you can regularly beat our advised prices
- Our recommendations are profitable to Betfair SP over the long term
There are two main ways for you to get access to and profit from our FA Racing recommendations:
1. Sign up directly for the FA Racing Service
– Today, you can use this link and save 15% on all plans for life (Coupon Code: FARAC3MTH)
2. Take up one of our specialist betting portfolios
– Full Portfolio (Football, Racing, Win, Lays) = 2 months free, save £171
– Bets Portfolio (Football and Racing Bets) = 2 months free, save £138
– Racing Portfolio (Racing, Win and Lay) = 2 months free, save £138
To take advantage of the portfolio options, make sure to select the ‘3 month access” and apply the coupon code: FA3MTHFP
This article was first published on the 17th June, 2018 for Football Advisor Portfolio members.

Jon is the Founder and Chief Tipster at Football Advisor and Predictoloy. He started life as data analyst in the digital marketing field before find his true calling in the world of Football and Horse Racing Betting.
Jon has been sharing his professional expertise since 2009 and specialises in using objective data analysis and subjective experience of betting built up over more than a decade of professional betting.
In 2014, Jon also launched (and continues to run) the trusted Football Advisor service service which provides a variety of football and horse racing betting models and portfolios. A few years later, Jon launched the Predictology platform which is the worlds first betting system builder and analyser covering a wealth of football betting related statistics covering more than 200,000 matches.
Jon has also lent his knowledge and expertise to several of the trusted Premium Services offered by the respected Secret Betting Club, including Football Lay Profits. Racing Bet Profits and, most recently, Racing Lay Profits.